Garrison City Speech & Language Services has offered telehealth speech/language services for years to private pay clients living in remote areas or for convenience. We are licensed to provide services to patients living in NH, ME and MA at this time.
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, many insurance companies are including telehealth as a covered service in their policies to maintain the health and safety of their members and greater community. Many insurance companies are considering offering this valuable service indefinitely.
If you have questions about how this service may benefit you, your child or family as a whole, or whether or not your particular insurance plan will cover this service, please contact us at: (603) 842-4924 or by email at
Teletherapy services are available from the comfort and convenience of your own home via a laptop or desktop computer, a tablet or a smart phone. All devices must have internet access and have audio and video capabilities. Headphones with a microphone are encouraged but not required. We can provide telehealth services while your child is at school also.
Garrison City Speech & Language Services currently uses Theraplatform, which is HIPAA compliant and accessible by personal log in credentials. There is no need to add specialized software or purchase an app. For more information on Theraplatform, please visit their website by clicking on the icon below.